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Filming & Photography 

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Downshire Tennis Club – Photography and Use of Images Policy 

Filming & Photography 

The Filming and Photography guidance provides assistance for club members on taking and using appropriate images. This guidance is not about preventing parents/ guardians and supporters from taking pictures, but rather to ensure that only those who have a right to take photographs do so. This guidance is designed to promote safeguards for any photographic or filming/video activity to minimise the risk of inappropriate taking and use of images.


  • Event: may include competition, training session, social function or any activity organised at any level of Tennis. 
  • Image: refers to all photographic and film/video footage. 
  • Responsible person: may include the children’s officer, head coach, event manager, event controller or facility manager at an event. 
  • Young people: refers to all people U18; whilst this guidance is designed to minimise risk to U18’s this guidance should be used to minimise risks for all players of any age. 

Permission to take images 

Permission is sought by the club to ensure that young people and parents/carers are aware of when and how their images may be used. Permission can be obtained through: 

  • Individual permission where permission is sought for a single or specific event and has not been sought generally through membership/competition entry/other contract means. 
  • General permission granted through completion of membership/competition entry/other contract where permission is included as part of the form. 

For third party photographers, film/videographers or other organisations employed to take images each person must complete the Self-Declaration Form. For any other person wishing to use photographic devices at events they must first register their device with the organiser. Each person registering a device will be required to produce photographic identification as proof of identity. 

Announcement at events regarding taking and the use of images 

The club should ensure the following announcement is read out at the start and during an event to ensure everyone is clearly aware of the need to register: 

“All persons wishing to take photographs or film footage at this event must first register their device(s) with (name of organiser). Please note photographic identification will be required as proof of identity. 

If a company/person has been authorised by completing the Self-Declaration Form the following should be included in the announcement: 

(Company Name) has been authorised to take photographs of individuals in accordance with sports club/organisation policy.”

Taking images in certain environments 

Sports organisation/club members and third party photographers, film/videographers or other organisations shall ensure that images are not taken in such environments considered inappropriate irrespective of any permission sought. In certain cases it may be an offence to take such images. 

Taking images using any type of equipment is banned in an area where people are changing or would normally expect their privacy to be recognised. Examples of such areas would include: 

  • Changing rooms. 
  • Open changing areas such as ‘villages’ 
  • Individual changing/private cubicles provided for personal use. 
  • Toilets. 
  • Medical/Physio treatment rooms. 

Flash photography is prohibited in an environment where any performance may be affected or there is the potential for its use to cause harm to the young person. 

Types of appropriate images 

Only appropriate images of children should be used, for example:

  • Posed images such as during trophy ceremonies, presentations or team shots where young people must be wearing t-shirt and shorts/tracksuits. 
  • Action shots of young people where the focus is on the participation in the sport, not the player. 

Images of children should not be taken where the pose is inappropriate e.g. open legs; bending over from behind, etc. 

Safe use of images 

Images can be taken for a variety of purposes, including for administration or personal use, publicising the sport or aiding skill development. Anyone taking images should be aware of action poses that may be inappropriate; these are not suitable for use/publication. 

Types of images and appropriate use: 

  • Personal images – images taken by parents/guardians or other family members during an event as a celebration of a young person’s attendance or achievement. This includes the use of a professional photographer, with permission, taking images for the personal use of those attending. Other people may be included in an image and we expect parents/guardians and other family members to respect this by not distributing images publicly. 
  • Training images – these are images or footage taken during a training sessions or during an event specifically to aid the young person in the development of a skill or technique. These images should be taken by a qualified coach or a person specifically appointed by the young person’s coach. These images may be used as examples of technique or mastery of a skill for teaching/coaching purposes and should not be distributed outside this specific use. 
  • Media images – these are images taken by an individual from the media, i.e. TV, newspaper, social media or professional photographer where the images are to be used for publicity or promotion of the event or future events. 
  • Administration images – these are images taken for general administration purposes; including images used for membership cards, competition entries and could also include images that form part of an archive record. 

Use of images on social media 

Where images of young people are used on social media the person responsible for posting an image must be aware of the potential for an image to be used inappropriately. The following safeguards must be in place to protect young people: 

  • Personal details of a young person should not be included. 
  • Captions should be in keeping with the sport represented. 
  • The posting and any purpose should not breach the codes of conduct. 
  • The type of image should not breach guidance in this policy. 

Storage of Images 

Storage includes any image stored as a hard copy and/or electronically as a soft copy. This includes images on social media, photographic archives, individual personal databases e.g. personal cameras, phones, etc. How personal images are stored is the responsibility of parents/guardians with their child/young person. 

All other images should only be stored for defined and intended purposes e.g. membership, promotion, and/or archiving. 

  • If storage of images is required the images must only be stored for the length of time for which they are needed 
  • If possible, avoid using the names of children, or any other identifying feature 

Once images are no longer required they must be properly destroyed. Digital images stored on computer systems need to be fully deleted, including deletion from the cache memory and/or temporary files.

Inappropriate Images 

Taking inappropriate images 

If there is any concern about the nature of any image taken this should be reported to the responsible person (in the club or event/activity) who will refer to the statutory authorities. The concerned individual may also report their concern directly to the statutory authorities. The contact details for the statutory authority can be found in the sports clubs/ organisations Safeguarding Policies and Procedures. 

Non-authorised taking of images 

If you are concerned about an individual taking images at an event this should be verbally reported to the relevant responsible person. It may be necessary to report the non-authorised taking of images to the appropriate statutory authorities. 

The responsible person will identify the person and check if their device is registered for the event. If not registered, the person must be asked to register their device, with appropriate identification. If the person is not willing to register their device they should be asked to leave. 

Where the event is open to the public e.g. where only part of the facility is being used, it will be necessary to report non-authorised taking of images to the facility manager.

Inappropriate use of images 

Where there is a concern about the use of images this should be reported to the responsible person who will take appropriate action. This will include reporting the alleged use to: 

  • The parent/carer of any young person involved. 
  • The person responsible for posting the image. 
  • The media platform i.e. twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, print media etc. 
  • The statutory authorities. 

Inappropriate use of images is a breach of this guidance and the code of conduct and may result in a complaint/ disciplinary procedure against those involved in tennis. Where there is a concern about the publication of an image in local or national newspapers you should contact the individual newspaper or the Independent Press Standards Organisation.  

Social Media 

In all their contacts and communications with the members of their organisation/group, leaders must be seen to be open and transparent. This is the case whether communications are by traditional means or by electronic means. 

NB: Leaders must not communicate with children or young people via leader’s personal social networking profiles, email accounts, or chat rooms. 

For an Organisation/Club Using/Publishing a Social Network the following principles  should be applied: 

  • The page/profile must be password-protected, and the password must be held by at least three leaders of the organisation. 
  • The site should be monitored by a designated supervisor. This person should have access to the login details of the site. This supervisor will be appointed by the Designated Person/Safeguarding Panel in charge of Child Protection. 
  • Any inappropriate posts by children/young people or leaders should be removed by the designated supervisor. Reasons should then be explained to the person who posted the content. Where possible sites should be monitored before content is put up. 
  • The site should be kept ‘Private’ i.e. only permitted members or ‘friends’ can see what is posted on the site. 
  • The use of personal addresses and telephone numbers etc., should be avoided as, while sites are ‘private’, there is the potential for items to be copied and shared. 
  • Content of any postings should be consistent with the aims of the organisation. In cases of doubt leaders should seek advice. 

For Leaders Using a Social Networking Site 

  • Leaders should not ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ children or young people on social media. (Children or young people may ‘follow’ leaders on social media so leaders should make sure any content they post is appropriate.) 
  • Messages left to or from children or young people on social network sites should be written on an open page (e.g. A facebook ‘Wall’) and not in a private message or by using ‘chat’ [one-on-one]. 
  • Leaders should not network with members of their organisation/group via closed [one-on-one] chats e.g. facebook messenger, WhatsApp, etc,. This should be done only through ‘Group Chat.’ 
  • Any events or activities run by the organisation that are organised or publicised on the site should be a closed event so as non-members cannot access the event without suitable permission by the site administrators. 
  • Any emails sent to children or young people via the site must be sent to at least one other leader. (This can be done by ‘bcc’ if necessary.) 
  • Leaders should avoid communicating with children or young people in their organisation/group via email late at night. 
  • In signing off a post or email leaders should not do so in a way that could be misconstrued or misinterpreted by the recipient, e.g. “Luv X”; “xoxoxo”. Simply sign your name. 
  • Parents/carers should be asked to give their approval for leaders to communicate with their children/young people via social networking sites, or by any other means of internet communications (e.g. email).
  • Parental and child’s permission is required before pictures of videos of children or young people are posted online. 
  • Any disclosures of abuses reported through a social networking site must be dealt with according to your reporting procedures. 

Use of Mobile Phones 

Those whose work with children and young people need to be aware of the opportunities for abuse through the misuse of mobile phones and text messaging. While good use of such media can be beneficial we must be vigilant and alert to the possibilities of misuse and consequent harm that can result to young people. Leaders must also take care to protect the children in their care and themselves. 

  • Leaders involved in sport should only have children’s and young people’s mobile numbers if the natures of their involvement requires them to phone or text them 
  • Parental permission should be sought if the leader in this role will be contacting children or young people via mobile phone. 
  • A method of accountability should be arranged e.g. copies of texts could also be sent to the administrator or to parents. 
  • If a leader had a child/young person’s phone number it should only be used for the purposes it has been given, i.e., the leader should not share this information. 
  • It is recommended that if a leader is an employee of your organisation/club should have a separate phone for work purposes rather than using their personal phone for contacting children and young people. 

Texting – Communication not Conversation! 

  • Texts should be used for the purposes of reminding children or young people about events which are forthcoming. 
  • Texts can also be used as a means to encourage children or young people if it is appropriate it, e.g., ‘Hope exam goes ok.’ 
  • If it turns into a conversation, communications should be ended. A leader can suggest discussing the subject further at the next event or, if they are concerned about the child/ young person, arrange to meet up to talk further (within the usual child protection parameters). 

Smart Phones 

Smart phones should be used safely and responsibly. 

Pictures can be very powerful and stir up strong emotions. Smart phone users should respect the private lives of others and not take or distribute pictures of other people if it could invade their privacy. 

Leaders and children/young people should not send pictures that are obscene, indecent, or menacing and should be sensitive about other people’s gender identity, sexual identity, racial heritage, religion, or personal background. Both leaders and children/young people should be made aware that it is a criminal offence to take, make, and permit to be taken, distribute, show, or possess an indecent or sexually explicit image of a child under 18. 

When commissioning professional photographers or inviting the press to an activity the leader in charge should ensure they are clear about expectations of them in relation to child protection. Professional photographers/film/video operators wishing to record an activity should seek accreditation from leaders by producing their professional identification for the details to be recorded. 

The leader should then: 

  • Provide a clear brief about what is considered appropriate in terms of content and behaviour. 
  • Issue the photographer with identification which should be worn at all times. 
  • Keep a record of accreditations. 
  • Inform leaders, children/young people, and parents, that a photographer will be in attendance is at the activity and check that they consent to both the taking and publication of films or photographs. 
  • Not allow unsupervised access to children/young people or one-to-one photo sessions. 
  • Not approve/allow photo sessions outside the activity or at a child/young person’s home. 
  • Anyone concerned about any photography taking place should discuss his or her concerns with the children’s officer. 

Smart phones can be used to make children/young people safer. Older children, for example, using a taxi can send a picture of the car’s registration to a friend before they begin the trip, or can simply use the phone to show parents where they are. 

  • Children/young people can only be photographed when permission has been provided in writing from their parent/ guardian and child. 
  • The scope of the use of photographs must also be stated as part of the parental permission.
  • Children/young people should not be named individually in photographs unless necessary and with clear agreement and consent of parents and child, for example, if the child/young concerned was winning a prize worthy of publication. 
  • When posting photographs on social media settings should be such that children/young people cannot be individually tagged. 
  • All photographs must be stored in a secure place either electronically in a password protected file or physically in a locked cabinet. 
  • If any electronic device/memory which contains photographs is disposed of or passed on, then the device must be wiped of all photographs in such a way that they cannot be recovered on that device.


Use of Mobile phones during activities 

  • When on activities the coach/leader is the primary point of communication and is to be contacted if there is an emergency or change to previously agreed arrangements. 
  • Usage of smart phones including text messaging or playing games cannot be allowed to be a distraction from a safe awareness of the environment or be allowed to interfere with full participation in the activity. 
  • That when on camps or overnight activities, there is a stated preferred time period when parents may make contact, if they wish. Parents should be advised that contact outside of this time may not be possible due to activities. 
  • Use of smart phones while away can worsen rather than alleviate homesickness. In this context it can be good to encourage children/young people to consider that ‘no news is good news.’ 

Use of Computers/Tablets/Web-enabled Games Consoles/Smart TVs 

If such devices are used as part of activities within the organisation, guidelines should be produced to ensure that they are used for the correct purpose, and include, for example, what websites are suitable for the age of children/ young people that the leaders are working with.

October 2020