Sign up for Letty’s League
It would be our intention to start Letty’s League on Monday 17th January. Letty’s League is played on a Monday evening and is a team competition, using a doubles format. The league provides a great opportunity to meet other members. This League is suitable for beginner/improver standard of play (you must be able to serve and maintain a rally)
Games will be run using the normal format, with more detail to follow. If you wish to be included please contact Letty (please note there is an underscore between letty and lucas) by MONDAY 10th January to add your name. If you are new to the league please give some guidance of your standard in your email.
You MUST also include your mobile phone number in your email to Letty. Please note your mobile phone number will be on display to all those playing in Letty’s League. If you do NOT wish this to happen please inform Letty in your email.